Yantis Company is committed to taking a proactive approach to safety. The main focus of our program is our belief that no accidents are ever acceptable. Our goal is to have an injury-free workplace.
Yantis is dedicated to having the top safety program and safest workplace in San Antonio construction. To achieve this we require all foremen to complete OSHA 30 hour training and we require rigorous training for all employees in the field including safety orientation, weekly safety chats, competent person training and other specific training related to their type of work.
Safety Officer
In addition to our training requirements, Yantis employs a Safety Team that is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable safety experts in the area. Our team performs OHSA style inspections on job sites throughout the week. Our Safety Team reports directly to the President of the company so safety has independence from Operations.

(The CSHO title certificate is recognized by safety & health professionals as a significant industry designation awarded to almost 200 recipients annually. The program targets safety & health professionals with responsibility for construction site safety and supervision to include related inspections and audits. The program provides technical training unique to the needs of safety managers, supervisors, and/or directors responsible for successful company safety and health programs)
(The SSH – Construction title certificate is recognized by safety & health professionals as a significant industry designation awarded to almost 600 recipients annually. The program targets safety & health professionals with responsibility for construction site safety and supervision to include related inspections and audits. The program provides technical training unique to the needs of safety managers, supervisors, and/or directors responsible for successful company safety and health programs and is also a pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(The SSH – General Industry title certificate is recognized by safety & health professionals as a significant industry designation awarded to almost 600 recipients annually. The program targets safety & health professionals with responsibility for construction site safety and supervision to include related inspections and audits. The program provides technical training unique to the needs of safety managers, supervisors, and/or directors responsible for successful company safety and health programs and is also a pre-requisit to the CSHO – GI Title)
(This course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the OSHA 10- and 30-hour construction safety andhealth Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10-and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion)
(This course covers the OSHA standards for the construction industry found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1926 along with other relevant policies, procedures, and safety and health principles for the construction industry. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are the most hazardous and most frequently cited by OSHA. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course covers the OSHA standards for general industry found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 along with other relevant policies, procedures, and safety and health principles for general industry. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are the most hazardous and most frequently cited by OSHA. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course is intended to increase your knowledge of OSHA regulations related to industrial hygiene as well as relevant industrial hygiene practices and procedures. Specific topics such as permissible exposure limits, respiratory protection, engineering controls, hazard communication, sampling instrumentation, hearing conservation, workplace health program and other industrial hygiene issues will be addressed. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course provides an overview of OSHA’s General Industry standards regarding hazardous materials as well as other proprietary and consensus standards related to hazardous materials. Subjects covered include proper storage and handling procedures; precautions for hazardous waste operations; and processes for handling flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, and cryogenic liquids. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course covers the safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Course topics include recognition of confined space hazards, identification of permit and non-permit required confined spaces, use of instrumentation to evaluate atmospheric hazards, ventilation techniques, developing and implementation of a confined space program, proper signage, and training requirements. This course features workshops on permit entry classification, instrumentation and program development. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course covers the OSHA Excavation Standards and safety and health aspects of excavation and trenching. Course topics include practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of excavations, introduction of various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic), soil classification, and use of protective systems. Testing methods are demonstrated and students participate in workshops in the use of instruments such as penetrometers, torvane shears and engineering rods. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(This course covers the OSHA Fall Protection Standards for construction and general industry and current fall protection methods. Course topics include principles of fall protection, components and limitations of fall arrest systems, and OSHA Standards and policies regarding fall protection. Students will participate in workshops demonstrating the inspection and use of fall protection equipment, residential construction fall protection, training requirements, and developing a fall protection program. A pre-requisit to the CSHO-C Title)
(Allows me to teach Defensive Flagging Classes)
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